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Knowlledge: e-learning platform

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Knowlledge: e-learning platform

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Knowlledge: e-learning platform

Designing a Landing Page

2022: Telerik Academy

I designed the project during the Upskill UX/UI Design program at Telerik Academy.

Besides the landing page and creating in-app characters, I was responsible for designing the dashboard, UX strategy, and user testing.


Adobe Photoshop



UX and UI Design

Landing page

Collage characters




It began my exciting UX journey, full of many variants and iterations.

Snapshot of a landing page
Snapshot of a landing page
Snapshot of a landing page
Collage sculpture with Temida
Collage sculpture with Temida
Collage sculpture with Temida
Collage sculpture with Temida
Collage sculpture with Darwin
Collage sculpture with Darwin
Collage sculpture with Darwin
Collage sculpture with Darwin